A Spring Maintenance Checklist for Planned Communities

WRMC Blog: A Spring Maintenance Checklist for Planned Communities

A Spring Maintenance Checklist for Planned Communities

Maintaining a planned community requires proactive planning and regular upkeep to ensure a safe, attractive, and functional environment for all residents. As a leading property management company in Texas and Colorado, WRMC provides detailed guidance and services to help communities thrive year-round. Here’s an extensive property maintenance checklist to help keep your community in top shape, particularly during the high-activity summer months and in preparation for winter.

Common Area Maintenance

Landscaping & Grounds:

  1. Tree & Shrub Pruning: Regularly prune trees and shrubs to promote healthy growth and prevent overgrowth that could cause safety hazards.
  2. Fertilization: Fertilize lawns, flower beds, and mulched areas to ensure vibrant plant health throughout the season.
  3. Lawn Care: Schedule regular lawn mowing, watering, and aeration to maintain a lush and green appearance.
  4. Weed Control: Implement weed control measures to keep landscaped areas lush and vibrant.
  5. Irrigation Systems: Inspect and repair irrigation systems to ensure efficient water use and coverage.

Pools and Recreational Areas:

  1. Pool Maintenance: Inspect and clean pool areas regularly, checking chemical levels and system functions to ensure safe swimming conditions.
  2. Playground Equipment: Examine playground equipment for any damage or wear and repair or replace it as necessary.
  3. Outdoor Furniture: Check outdoor furniture for stability and safety, making necessary repairs or replacements.

Building Exteriors

Roof Inspection:

  1. Winter Damage: Inspect roofs for damage caused by winter weather, such as loose shingles or leaks.
  2. Gutter Cleaning: Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure proper drainage and prevent water damage.

Siding & Windows:

  1. Power Washing: Wash windows and power wash siding to remove accumulated dirt and debris.
  2. Exterior Paint: Touch or repaint areas where paint is peeling or faded to maintain curb appeal.

Safety & Security

Outdoor Lighting:

  1. Lighting Checks: Test all outdoor lighting and replace bulbs as needed to ensure proper illumination for safety.
  2. Security Systems: Check the operation of security systems and cameras to maintain effective surveillance.

Walkways & Parking Lots:

  1. Surface Inspection: Inspect walkways and parking lots for potholes, cracks, or tripping hazards and make necessary repairs.

Individual Unit Checklist

HVAC Systems:

  1. Filter Replacement: Remind residents to replace or clean HVAC filters to ensure efficient operation.
  2. Professional Inspection: Schedule professional HVAC inspections and servicing to maintain system performance.

General Maintenance:

  1. Smoke Detectors: Check smoke detectors and replace batteries to ensure they function correctly.
  2. Plumbing Issues: Encourage residents to promptly report any leaks or plumbing issues to prevent water damage.

Pest Control:

  1. Spring Inspection: Schedule a spring pest inspection to prevent infestations.
  2. Sealing Gaps: Seal any gaps or holes on the exterior of buildings to keep pests out.

Balconies & Patios:

  1. Safety Inspection: Inspect balconies and railings for safety and stability.
  2. Cleaning: Encourage residents to clean off winter debris and set up their outdoor spaces for spring and summer use.

Reporting & Submitting Requests for Work

Increased activity in common areas during summer makes maintenance issues more likely to be noticed. Residents should be encouraged to report any concerns promptly. Here’s how to streamline the process:

Guidelines for Reporting Issues:

  1. Detailed Descriptions: Residents should provide a detailed description of the issue, including its location and severity.
  2. Visual Evidence: Encourage submitting pictures or videos of the problem to assist in assessing the situation.
  3. Contact Information: Ensure residents include their contact details for follow-up.

Process for Handling Requests:

  1. Acknowledgment: Confirm receipt of the maintenance request and outline the steps for handling it.
  2. Updates: Keep residents informed about the progress and completion of the work.
  3. Feedback: Once the work is completed, request input from residents to ensure satisfaction and gather insights for future improvements.

Vetted Contractors:

  1. Reliable Vendors: Maintain a list of vetted local contractors and maintenance staff who can be trusted to perform high-quality work promptly.
  2. Regular Reviews: Regularly review and update this list to ensure the best possible service for the community.

Preventative Maintenance & Communication

Preventative maintenance is essential to avoid significant repairs and disruptions. Regular inspections and timely repairs enhance the community’s appearance and ensure safety and functionality.

Regular Inspections:

  1. Scheduled Walkthroughs: Conduct regular inspections and walkthroughs of the property to identify and address maintenance issues early.
  2. Resident Involvement: Use residents’ observations as additional eyes and ears to catch early problems.

Clear Communication:

  1. Transparency: Keep residents informed about maintenance schedules, upcoming projects, and any disruptions that may occur.
  2. Multiple Channels: Offer numerous ways for residents to report issues and get updates, such as through phone, email, online forms, or in-person visits during office hours.
  3. Timely Responses: Aim to respond to non-emergency inquiries within 24 to 48 hours and address emergencies as quickly as possible.

Additional Considerations for Seasonal Maintenance

Preparing for Winter Now:

  1. Snow Removal Contracts: Ensure snow removal contracts are in place and equipment is serviced and ready.
  2. Heating Systems: Inspect and service communal heating systems to ensure efficient operation during colder months.
  3. Winter Supplies: Schedule to stock up on de-icing materials and other winter maintenance supplies during the last months of summer – this can also be budget friendly as prices may be lower this time of year.

Enhancing Community Engagement:

  1. Community Events: Organize events encouraging residents to participate in maintenance efforts, such as clean-up days or gardening workshops.
  2. Feedback Surveys: Conduct seasonal surveys to gather resident feedback on maintenance and improvement needs.

Preparing Your Community

Maintaining a planned community requires a thorough and proactive approach. By following this comprehensive property maintenance checklist, communities managed by WRMC can ensure a well-kept, safe, and enjoyable environment for all residents. Regular maintenance, clear communication, and resident involvement are critical to a thriving community.

For more information about WRMC and its property management services, click here.