How to Deal with Disruptive Neighbors in a High-Rise Community

How to Deal with Disruptive Neighbors in a High-Rise Community

No one likes noisy neighbors. It should come as no surprise that one of the most common complaints a General Manager receives involves noise-related discrepancies. Living in a high-rise means having neighbors above, below, and to each side of you; learning how to cohabitate with neighbors and sometimes make compromises can alleviate the stress and annoyances that come with it. 

Ask your General Manager about rules in your community: How late can you play loud music in your building? What if the neighbor’s dog won’t stop barking in a nearby unit? What are the parameters around noises from upstairs neighbors? Before you file a noise complaint, take a moment to step back and think. You’re likely fed up and ready to take action, but there are other ways to correct the issue before escalating it.

When you live in a high-rise, condominium, townhome community, or multi-family complex, your building management team can help you resolve the noise issues. Companies like Worth Ross Management Company are in charge of hiring the best onsite team members that have dealt with situations pertaining to noise complaints countless times before. You can trust your building’s management company and onsite management team to have your back and be ready to support you. 

Keep a record of the noise.

As a first step before you even attempt to reach out, keep a log of the date and time of each occurrence and what you hear specifically. If you can, record the noise with videotape as well, so you have evidence of the noise level and event. Keep this record going throughout the process of trying to resolve the issue, as you’ll need it if you eventually have to resort to filing a formal complaint with your General Manager. Along with the dates and times of each noise occurrence, we recommend that you keep a record of any communication between you and your neighbor for proof of attempted reconciliation. If your neighbor is rude or dismissive, make sure you note their attitude towards your requests. 

Keep an open line of communication between you and your neighbors.

Sometimes, a noisy neighbor may not be fully aware of how disruptive they are. Knock on your neighbor’s door (mask on, of course!), introduce yourself, and let them know you live below them, to their left/right, or above them. Establish a line of communication such as trading phone numbers. Occasionally, an introduction (and pointing out where you live relative to their unit) may drop a hint that they are stomping too much or playing music too loud (if they play music often). Be kind and cordial with your neighbor! You don’t want to create any unnecessary issues. Living in a high-rise comes with the assumption you and your neighbors have bought your respective units and would appreciate enjoying your home peacefully.

Leave a letter.

If you aren’t comfortable with face-to-face conversation or are worried about a confrontation with your noisy neighbor, the simplest solution to communicate your frustrations is through a letter. Address your concerns politely without being passive-aggressive or accusatory. Let them know you are working from home (if that is the case), and the extra noise has made it difficult to focus or conduct meetings. Outlining the problem in a kind manner can help neighbors understand what you are bothered by without confrontation and give them a chance to fix the issue at the source. Give them some time to resolve the problem; if it continues with no change, you can consider other options. 


Good-standing relationships often come with compromises. If you have spoken to your neighbor (or left a letter) and there doesn’t appear to be a change, try proposing a compromise. If the noise involves playing music through a stereo or a physical instrument, ask if it’s possible for them to only play during certain hours of the day or not past a specific time. If the issue involves a noisy dog or child, try to think of a compromise that would keep the child or dog occupied. Asking for a compromise will yield better results than outright telling your neighbor to do something, which may result in retaliation. 

File an official noise complaint.

If you have spoken to your neighbor or attempted to reach out with a polite letter and the noise has not gone down, you have every right to file a formal noise complaint with your General Manager. Before filing, check to see if your documents have a clause regarding noise control. If they do, be sure to point this out to your General Manager. Let them know the situation, present them with the noise record and any notes regarding interactions between you and the noisy neighbor. Without proof, your General Manager may not be able to do much. 

Once the formal complaint is filed, do not act on anything and await instructions from your General Manager. If the noise continues, continue to log it and any further interactions with your neighbor. They will most likely receive a warning by the General Manager, then issued a fine if they continue to violate the terms of the documents regarding noise levels and quiet hours. Allow the building management team to handle any communication, but you can follow up with the General Manager as needed if the issue continues. If the infractions continue, your building’s General Manager may escalate the matter to legal counsel. Selecting the right management company, such as Worth Ross Management, will help diffuse issues timely and professionally. The team members at Worth Ross Management are committed to ensuring the safety and comfort of each resident in their communities. While a noise complaint may seem minor to you, our team takes it seriously and will find a solution that works for everyone. 

It is safe to say everyone has encountered noisy neighbors at some point in their life, no matter if you live in a high-rise condominium building, an apartment complex, a townhome community, or a single-family home neighborhood. How you choose to deal with these noisy neighbors will likely have long-term effects, whether you decide to address the situation with kindness and manners or go straight to filing a noise complaint without attempting to speak with your neighbor first. Everyone deserves to enjoy some peace and quiet where they live. Knowing what steps to take to resolve a noise issue amicably can mean the difference between a peaceful solution or an angry neighbor who may act out against you. Follow the steps outlined above if you encounter a disruptive neighbor, and you will most likely find a solution that helps all parties involved without any issues.